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Our Process

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Thank you for stopping by. Our pro team at Smart Steps Financial is here to help you every step of the way. That includes the education process, helping you discover what options are available to you, through evaluation and application, and beyond, as we also are here with you further down the road, providing policy maintenance to make sure you are successful on your journey. For more information on our process, please click the icons below.



At a basic level, educating oneself is about understanding your options, products, strategies, etc.
Most financial service providers and agencies stop here.

However, at Smart Steps Financial, our objective is a much deeper dive that seeks to benefit you holistically.

You see, there are some essentials, call it insight, that you need to have about money, financial planning, and leverage that can change your life by freeing up your resources, and consequently, your time, your most valuable asset next to your own personal growth and maturation.

That is why unlocking this new understanding for you is our priority, so you can make enlightened strategic decisions about your financial future going forward.


The natural next step after gaining a new understanding through Education is to evaluate how various strategic approaches can best empower you by offering financial control, stability, leverage, and certainty.

Smart Steps Financial evaluation process

Whereas most financial service providers focus on comparing financial products or companies, the Smart Steps Financial evaluation process is about matching you with the right strategy and design options, and then taking the first steps toward a plan of action that you will be excited to pursue.

Your expert Pro Client Guide will help you get started at creating an ideal plan of action to achieve your highest aspirations.


Just beyond Evaluation, is the Quotation process where you begin to see how the actual numbers can work powerfully in your favour.

This isn't another drab session of looking at your CD rates or your bank statement.
We're talking about wealth building numbers for exponential growth, guaranteed with tax deferral and using this leverage to actualize dreams of freedom, stability, leverage, and certainty.

Smart Steps Financial quotation process

At Smart Steps Financial, our priority in the Quotation process is to offer much more than generating random projected costs. This process will be used to define your plan by adding real numbers needed to facilitate and implement your Application Process.

Your expert Pro Client Guide will help you understand the context around obtaining quotes, such as how rates are impacted by things like age, health rating, and company.


When you've moved through your Evaluation and Quotation phases, it is time to submit an application where you will finally see your “Offer” with an overview of actual costs and “guaranteed returns”.

When you see costs and guaranteed outcomes, things really begin to make sense. This is the beginning of a pursuit towards financial freedom, stabilized by financial certainty.

Smart Steps Financial application process

The Smart Steps Financial application process takes any remaining guesswork out of the equation by asking the company to commit to your plan without binding you as an applicant to accept.

Your Pro Client Guide can maximize your application process by leveraging their expertise to get you the best results such as obtaining the best financial company rating and/or creating the best policy design strategy.


We live in a world of constant change. As such, it is all too common for Life Insurance Products, even those backed by a solid strategy, to become inadequate or even obsolete.

Smart Steps Financial maintenance process

Changes in financial situations, law changes, changing needs such as new family members or changes in medical status can all threaten the soundness of your plan.

This is why at Smart Steps Financial; we prioritize regular status sessions to discuss issues such as maintaining your strategic life insurance or annuity during what we define as your Maintenance phase.

Your expert Pro Client Guide is available to conduct regular status check-ups concerning all aspects of your strategic plan and products. 
So, what are you waiting for? Please schedule your complimentary strategy session today!